Bear Books

I’ve been writing books about bears since 1978 when I published my first book about a bear called Moon Bear, in black and white mostlyabout a bear who loved the moon (see Vintage Books).  Since then I’ve made lots of books about lots of different bears.  Moon Bear soon became Moonbear in Happy Birthday, Moon, and the full color Moonbear series was born.  But the bears I write about in Popcorn and Sandcake are different.  They wear clothes and are part of a family.  I call this series of books Baby Bear Books.  More confusing, there is a story not related to either of these series called Goodnight, Baby Bear which is about another bear entirely.  And then there is Just Like Daddy and Goodbye House which stand on their own as well.  You may see other covers with similar titles.  Over the years the covers of these books have been changed slightly with new editions, reissues or paperback versions.  Below I’ve pictured the latest covers out there.  I’m still adding to these series.  I hope you enjoy reading about bears as much as I like writing about them.

Moonbear Books

Baby Bear Books

Other Bear Books

Moonbear Board Books